Welcome to the maiden voyage of this new blog ship I call Tea for Two to Tango. A bit of a tongue twister, but I thought it appropriate as dating is not always my cup of tea, nor do I often tango. But, this too shall pass, and there are plenty of men and women out there that drink deeply from the tea cup of courtship and give the dating scene a frequent whirl. I plan on doing plenty of reconnaissance with these and other people to discover what, I hope, will be the key to successful dating; that golden snitch in the game of life; the get out of jail free card within the dating monopoly. . . . Or, in the alternative, at least offer a few fun anecdotes and thoughts on how fun and funny this phase of life can really be.
To kick it off, there was an activity in my religious geographical boundary (yes, my LDS Ward). It was a Chili cook-off/contest followed by a "rootin' tootin'" good time on the dance floor. Yeah, laugh about that all you want, but that's actually how they advertised it on the fliers going around. I am aware that dating can be awkward, but must we showcase it?! Come, now, let's don't be silly. Anyway, I don't recall any funky odors at any time the whole night, which is a blessing, I'm sure. Let's leave it at that, shall we?!
So, I danced with six guys (once each) at that dance last night. . . not that I counted or anything. We went through the motions for the first half hour or so - literally - as we were instructed as to Country Swing. Over the years I have been to enough of these functions to say that I "know" some of the steps. The problem comes in not using them on a regular basis. Yeah, that saying about "use it or lose it?" I think they're on to something there.
Luckily, with a refresher course at the outset, and a a few good men, I surprised even myself on the dance floor. Six times. . . . well, maybe three times surprised in a slam-bang way with moves I was being led through by a young man who had obviously done this kind of thing several times before, and two or three times surprised by guys showing forth a valiant effort by practicing what they obviously learned half an hour ago - counting aloud and all. I must admit that either way, I had a fun time! What can I say - I'm easy to please.
More often than not I found myself as "that girl" standing on the side of the room watching the couples having fun dancing and hoping I'd be able to dance in the next song (and the song after that, and so forth). The best was when a guy mysteriously appeared at my side as I was talking to one of the fantastic ladies there. I thought, "Ooo, this one is sneaky, but I'd love to dance with him." Just as he turns toward me and I begin turning toward him, he reaches across me to take the hand of the girl I was just talking with and pulls her out onto the dance floor. That happened to me, not once, but several times last night. Phew! Being single at a dance is just as awkward at age twenty-seven as it was at age seventeen. You, know what? I'm sorry, that's not true. I think it was easier when I was seventeen!
I have to interject here that I nearly danced as many "solo" dances as I did partner dances last night (and would have danced more if they had played more of those songs). There's nothing wrong with that, and it's a lot of fun. But here's a guarantee I give you, ladies. (Lean in close, now!) If you wanna be sure you get some time out on that dance floor, bust a move during the line dances. That's where the magic begins and y'all - if I may sling some jargon - switch directions every time in those line dances for a reason, don't you think?
"Do guys really scout out their next dance partner during the line dances," you ask? Well, as I am obviously a most successful and seasoned veteran at this sort of thing, I would have to say, "Maybe, but just as likely not, however, at least you're out there cuttin' a rug on that dance floor!" Remember, I may be observant, but I am still single.
Whether you dance with one man several times or fifty men once or three men two times each or - well, you get the idea - or you just shine during those line dances, there's no end to the fun you could have going dancing. . . until they turn the music off and shut the lights down and tell you the fun's over. But, it's really all in your court as to how your dance experience goes. Next time, maybe I'll ask the guys to dance with me.
What can they say to my, "How 'bout you and me go dancin' in the dark?"
"No, thanks." At least they were polite about it. And I'm no worse off. It's not personal, it's business.
Look out!!
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