Saturday, April 24, 2010

Do You Mind Being Set Up?

This is the question hanging in the air whenever my friends and neighbors want to help me out to a new boy friend. For some, this question is valid and their answer may be a resounding, 'NOT ON MY LIFE.' My answer is simple: is there any other way?

I say this not because I feel it's the best, most effective and fabulous way to meet the man of your dreams, but because I really want to know. Is there any other way? I personally don't see much harm in arranged dating, largely because without set ups, I wouldn't date at all. Naw, really; I get that people are leery of being set up. I mean, the connotation of that phrase alone - being set up - doesn't typically give much assurance that it won't turn out to be some embarrassing circus show inflicted upon you by someone you thought was your friend. In reality, there's no guarantee that it won't be a circus! But I have a hard time understanding why people can be so dead-set against it.

Any two civil people can make it through a few hours together if they put forth a little effort. They might even have fun. I think it's one of those mole hill mountains people are making these days. To each their own, I suppose. Why is it that people don't like referrals from friends when it comes to dating? My mom taught me not to fraternize with strangers, so I guess it could be a good idea to meet someone who is well known by someone I trust. Sometimes people feel so compelled to rush to my aid that they do drastic things they 'just don't do' such as setting me up with This Guy I Know.

Maybe I should be more careful about accepting arranged dates in the future. I'd hate to offend those who worry that they may be doing me a great harm (well, they are setting me up!) by introducing me to someone they know rather than letting me meet new people all on my own at complete random. Maybe in the future, I'll start answering this question differently. "Hey! I'd love you to meet This Guy I Know. That is, you know, if you don't mind being set up?"

Perhaps I'll say something like, "Oh, I don't know. . . . Typically I try to date complete strangers I meet in obscure places, and all the better if they have absolutely no connection to anyone I know and/or love because it's just too sketchy to know that you know this guy and think he's really great and fun to be around. But then again, I'd hate to offend you by not accepting your man-offering as a potential eternal mate. If you'll bear with me, I think I'll make this one exception; for you; if you really think this guy is worth it. And if we don't fall in love and marry one another, please don't take it as a reflection on our friendship. It is a FIRST DATE and all, but somehow I'll get over the crushing blow and you can still be my friend; whatever happens."

At least that answer is more fun for me. Bring it on!

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