Recently, one of my new neighbor friends asked me if I would be willing to be "set-up" with This Guy I Know. Actually, he used to be her husband's room mate. . . six years ago. She then asked me to tell her about myself. You see, she knows next to nothing about me, considering that all people are icebergs and we've known of each other's existence for less than three months. Her main reason she gave me for thinking This Guy I Know would like to go out with me is as follows (more or less): "He's dated tons of girls, probably thousands, but you're interesting. And I think he would really like interesting." On that premise, if we really end up going out, this date could be very. . . entertaining!
As luck would have it, when it rains - it pours, and one of my best friends' dad called me and asked if I would mind going on a blind date with a man he knows who is an unemployed teacher currently working on movies at the dinosaur museum. *Rock On* My friend's dad said, from what he's gathered, "you're everything he's looking for in a woman. He also told me to tell you that he's a Star Trek fan and loves cats." I enjoy Star Trek non-fanatically (The Next Generation, preferably) and I'm more of a dog-person, but at least we should have something to talk about. We've become "friends" on FB and I'm told that he'll call me to set up the date. We'll see.

I've learned not to hold my breath for a set-up to happen. This Guy I Know is kind of a lone ranger that seems to come and go as he pleases and I've learned that it's easiest to just roll with it. It's not personal, it's business (Movie: You've Got Mail). Dating is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, so for that reason, I'll continue to go out with This Guy I Know until I find the right combination of characteristics in an attractive-to-me suit who (and this is the kicker) also finds my combination of characteristics an attractive-to-him dress and we decide to wear each other (out) for the rest of time and all eternity. . . . and (in the famous words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard) 'Engage!'